Sunday, May 20, 2012

Florence and The Meme

Its funny how silly little memes and pics can spark your enthusiasm in things. Skeptical? Think of all the random "Call Me Maybe" covers and remember all the "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) YouTube videos? For some reason these just make you love or (for some dull folk) hate the song even more.

When I saw this hilarious picture below last week it was no exception.

Not only did it make me nearly crap myself laughing, it also reminded me just how much I love Florence and the Machine - the band of course! My helper's name is Cynthia and I do love her for all she does to keep our abode clean - it reminded me of that too!:)

But back to the band, I actually went out of my way to listen to more of their music and am certainly not sorry! I found this new track of theirs below. It is a track from the latest flick "Snow White and The Huntsman". Breathtaking!

They should totally use that picture as an album cover! haha

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Europe and an antique radio?

So what might the two have in common you might ask? Well probably a lot more than you would think and I care to research... lets not get sidetracked!

Spending two weeks in Europe is one of the best times I have had in my entire (albeit short) life. I will post some stories and pictures very soon. Although I feel that none of the photos do any of the splendid places I saw any justice, probably because unlike my sister I am a terrible photgrapher!

Onto antique the antique radio then, as I am sure you must be eagerly anticipating the explanation for this. Quite simply, where the telly in the lounge once was now sits this beautiful antique AEG Telefunken radio circa 1953.

Not only does it look marvelous, but it also fits in with our redecorating plans which will hopefully keep me distracted from my bon voyage European blues.

More exciting posts to come!