If like me, you need to preview a song in its entirety before committing to downloading it... I am very anal about what I keep in my iTunes :) Then Grooveshark will somewhat change your music sampling experience.
Although I remain loyal to LastFM with its nifty recommendations that have assisted me in discovering new artists such as VV Brown and Simon Curtis. Actually streaming the material is where the gap came in and was tre annoying....
This is where Grooveshark excels. Think online music library, similar to iTunes with the ability to stream top quality MP3's and add songs to individual playlists or just to your general music folder. Oh, and don't worry about it getting messy... items added to your general music folder are filtered by artist and album. OCD sigh of relief *phew*. Not only is it a brilliant way to sample and store full length songs in perfect quality, the accessibility is fantastic - as long as you have access to the internet and some decent headphones you're sorted!
As far as online streaming goes, Grooveshark will not leave you hanging long with irritating buffering (ah, yes iTunes... get your act together). Just pause the song for a minute before you play and boom. Not sure what you want to listen to or searching for inspiration? Just click to the 'Popular' tab and you will be able to listen to what's hot.
Once you have found that hot new track, what's next? Oh yeah... brag to all your friends :) You can share songs to both Facebook and Twitter. For those of you who have a blog, the widget is just amazing with the option to post an individual songs, playlists or entire albums in custom palettes.
Although it is available for mobile devices such as Blackberry and iPhone at a small monthly fee, the service is not available to those in South Africa. No surprise there.
Grooveshark has been slated by some recording labels and artists for loss in revenues. Personally I think there is massive potential to use such a product to the benefit of labels and more importantly the artists. The industry is changing... keep up people.
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